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Free Wi-Fi
Taoyuan Metro provides Free Wi-Fi service in public areas of stations and trains.
Please Select the service name (SSID) below to start surfing:
1.「TyMetro」:All the stations.
2.「Tymetro-WiFi1」:Car 1 and Car2 in the trains.
3.「Tymetro-WiFi2」:Car 3 and Car4 in the trains.
Free Charging
Commuter Wireless Charging
Express USB Charging
Express Wireless Charging
Station Free Charging
Taoyuan Metro provides Free Charging service.
▲ In the stations:110V plugs、USB plug-ins and Wireless Charging are also provided for passengers to use.
▲ In Commuter trains:Wireless Charging at Car1 and Car4 is provided for passengers to use.
▲ In Express trains:USB plug-ins and Wireless Charging at Car1~Car4 are also provided for passengers to use.
▲ Service time:the same with the operating hours of the stations.
▲ Payment method:
A1 Taipei Main Station:Cash/EasyCard/iPASS/icash/Credit Card(Tap-to-pay)/JKOPAY/LINE Pay
A2 Sanchong Station~A21 Huanbei Station:Cash/EasyCard/EasyWallet/ALIPAY/TaiwanPay/LINE Pay/WeChat Pay/Pi Pay/GAME PAY/ O'Pay
▲ For more information,please contact us on the phone:
A1 Taipei Main Station:+886-4-2421-1520
A2 Sanchong Station~A21 Huanbei Station:+886-2-2725-3996
Lost and Found
▲ Service location:2F Lobby Level, Airport MRT, A11 Kengkou Station (No. 460, Kengguo Rd., Luzhu Dist., Taoyuan City)
▲ Service time:Tuesday to Saturday 12:00~20:00 (in case of national holidays, or if the Taipei, New Taipei, and Taoyuan City Government announces a suspension of work due to natural disasters, we will be temporarily closed.)
▲ Service number:+886-3-324-1810
▲ Power of attorney for lost item claiming: If the owner of the lost item cannot come to pick up the item in person but appoints an agent to pick up the item, the agent should bring in the original copy of his/her ID card, the original copy of ID card of the owner of the lost item, and a copy of the power of attorney for claiming the lost item in order to carry out the lost item claiming process.
 Power of attorney for lost item claiming.pdf
 Power of attorney for lost item claiming.odt
Customer Feedback
1. If you have any comments or opinions regarding our services or official website, please sent them to us.
2. If you have other questions that require urgent attention, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service center during service time.
▲ Service time:06:00~24:00 (Monday to Sunday)
▲ Service number:+886-3-286-8789
Breastfeeding Room
▲ Service location:
A1 Taipei Main Station
A2 Sanchong Station
A3 New Taipei Industrial Park Station
A18 Taoyuan HSR Station
(For other stations, please contact our staff in Information Booth.)
▲ Sofas, tables, washbasins and baby changing stations are equipped in the rooms. Cold and hot water are provided as well.
▲ Please Contact Our Staff in Information Booth First.
Drinking Water
Taoyuan Metro stations provide Drinking Water(cold water).
Accessible Services
The Information booth is at the main entrance and exit at the junction of the paid area and the unpaid area. Aside from general services, Information also provides the following services:
1. Selling senior concession tickets
2. Wheelchair loan service
3. Visually impaired passenger guide service
The restrooms in the station are equipped with accessible facilities and equipment, such as accessible urinals and toilets, for people with disabilities.
The front edge of each step of stairs in each station is equipped with an anti-slip strip and a red and yellow guide sticker for the visually impaired to prevent slipping and to notify visually impaired individuals and senior citizens of floors of different heights.
Tactile paving is used to alert people to dangerous areas (such as the first of a flight of stairs and the edge of platforms) or to guide people to key facilities or equipment (such as in front of the elevator call button).
In the station lobby or on the platforms, there are accessible public phones for wheelchair users.
In each station, there is a wheelchair charger for power wheelchair users to charge their wheelchairs. Please ask INFORMATION for assistance before use.
Accessible elevators are available in each station. Aside from delayed closing of the elevator door for wheelchair users, senior citizens, pregnant women, stroller users, passengers with large luggage, and passengers with reduced mobility, the elevator is also equipped with a Braille operating panel, a voice system, a secondary operating wheel, and handrails on the elevator walls. There is also an emergency interphone for emergency contact or inquiry.
Wheelchair securing areas are designated in each car; they are at the third gate of the first car (1-3), the third gate of the second car (2-3), the first gate of the third car (3-1), and the first gate of the fourth car (4-1). The arrangement allows station personnel to assist wheelchair users to move into and out of the car.
Each station is equipped with an accessible tollgate for wheelchair or baby stroller users, passengers with large luggage, or passengers with reduced mobility. An accessible automatic tollgate is usually located right next to INFORMATION. There is also a service bell on the gate for passengers to contact station personnel for assistance.
Power wheelchair users and medical powered scooter users should slow down inside the station or in the car to avoid collision.
Next to the accessible passage outside the station is an accessible guide sign helping people with reduced mobility to use the accessible ramp to reach the entrance/exit of the station or the accessible elevator.
Where floors are at different heights inside or outside the station, ramps are available for people with disabilities to enter or exit the station conveniently and safely.
At stations with a parking lot for transfer or boarding, an accessible parking space is available close to the entrance/exit of the station for passengers with reduced mobility.
Delay Certificate
2025/03/22 05:30 Delay Certificate
Due to train operation, all train services were delayed for 16 minutes at 05:30 on March 23, 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience.
2025/03/20 19:34 Delay Certificate
Due to train operation, all train services were delayed for 11 minutes at 19:34 on 20 March, 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience.
1.The time shown above indicates incident handling time and possible waiting time at different stations.
2.This certificate is neither riding certificate nor damage compensation application from train delay.
3.This certificate shall not be reprinted, copied, changed and published on any other web pages without permission.
4.For any questions, please contact Customer Service: 03-286-8789.